A book about love, grief, and television…
Reader's Guide
1. Conrad and Ivy seem to be total opposites—at least on the surface. Do you believe that opposites can be attracted to each another? Have you ever been attracted to a friend or lover who seemed to be your opposite?
2. When Ivy experiences the loss of her husband, she is ready to give up on the projects that she's worked so hard to create. Have you ever found yourself in a situation when you wanted to retreat and start all over? How did you handle it?
3. Dawn's portrait is mentioned several times throughout Malibu Summer. What role do you think Dawn—and her portrait—play in the story?
4. Mak helps Ivy move on with her life when Ivy is at her lowest point. What has a best friend done for you to help you change your life direction or grow as a person?
5. Conrad suddenly finds himself in the position of being a sole parent to Hudson. How do you think he handles this? Do you think he does a good job? What might he have done differently.
6. Unlike the adults in the book, Hudson has to deal with grief in his own way. How do you think he tries to cope with the loss of his mom? What changes do you see in his character throughout the book?
7. Ivy is the last person who expected to attend a Hollywood premiere party. How do you think she feels in this strange new world? Does she fit in or struggle?
8. Like bodies or water, seasons and gardens are often used as metaphors in literature. What role do you think gardening plays in Malibu Summer? For Ivy? For Hudson?
9. When do you get the first hint that Ivy and Conrad are falling for each other? Do you think people can find true love more than once?
10. Why do you think Fernanda is so wary of Ivy when she first moves to Malibu? What changes her mind?
11. How does Conrad's illness affect Ivy? Does it change her feelings for him?
12. Ivy ultimately trades one career dream for another. Do you think she makes a good decision when she takes her product and professional life in a new direction? Have you ever been faced with a career crossroad in your own life?
13. Ivy's grief group plays a central role in her new life. How do you think being part of this group affected her? How does it help her love again? Have you ever been part of a group that has changed your life?
14. What do you think Hudson is feeling, but can't put into words, when he smashes the green bean tepee? Have you ever found yourself reacting physically rather than verbally when put in a difficult position?
15. Not many romance books deal with heavy emotional issues like loss and grief. Do you think these emotions are appropriate in a romance novel? Why or why not?